Lexington Park Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc.
Lexington Park Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc.
Lexington Park Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc.
Lexington Park Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc.
Lexington Park Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc.




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Signed on June 08, 2013 at 7:15 AM
Name: Margo
Web Address: greatmillshomecare.com
Location: Great Mills

I wanted to donate online but I can't find a link....

Signed on October 02, 2012 at 5:46 PM
Name: Linda Phillips
Rank/Title: past member
Location: Lexington Park, MD

My brother-in-law Mike Connelly told me to check out pics. I was a member from Jan 1978 to Jan 1989 when I had to leave because of back surgery. I remember driving the Cadillac Ambo. I think of the times I spent while on the squad and all the people I had the pleasure to associate with. I should get back involved with the Associates since I would not be able to pass physical needs for running calls. You do excellent work and enough cannot be said about the benefit to the people you provide. Thanks

Signed on September 25, 2012 at 2:50 PM
Name: Nora Falkenstein

I just want to thank the guys who came to my house lastnight to help my mother Jean Murphy. What a wonferful, professional crew. I can't say enough about them. Thank you, thank you, thank you. God bless all of you.

Signed on September 05, 2012 at 3:20 PM
Name: Raymond A. Jones Jr.
Rank/Title: Nione
Web Address: None
Location: Lexington Park, Md. 20653

I just sent an application to your department...

Signed on August 31, 2012 at 8:42 PM
Name: Darleen L Allen
Location: United States

hello, i came in and joined the associate members and the last meeting i missed due to being ill, how do i get in touch with someone to find out when the next meeting or event is?

Signed on July 18, 2011 at 5:12 PM
Name: Pat Webb
Rank/Title: Training Officer

All are Welcome!
Bit by a snake? In a dog fight? Poison spider bite you? How do you treat a penetrating injury?
We are privileged to have Kyle Rambo (and friends –snakes), Conservation Director
of Patuxent Naval Air Station, join us for a lecture on Hazards in Nature, at our drill 7/19/11 @ 19:00.
Don’t miss this very interesting Lecture and know how to prepare for all Natural Hazards.

Signed on June 15, 2011 at 3:17 PM
Name: Pat Webb
Rank/Title: EMT-IV tech, Training Officer
Web Address: www.ridgevrs.org

We (RVRS) are fortunate to have Emilia Gibbons-Baker, RN of SMH L & D, also a Midwife, to give us a lecture on Delivery and care of pregnant patients. MEN, IF YOU ARE SQUIMISH AS TO DELIVERING A BABY, THIS IS THE LECTURE FOR YOU. We have also posted this to other web sites as an open lecture to those other squads that may have an interest in attending. This drill starts Tuesday, 6/22/11, at 19:00 (7:00 PM) and shouldn't last more than 2 1/2 hours.
See you there.

Pat Webb, RN and Dave Berry, Training Officers

Signed on April 16, 2011 at 1:11 AM
Name: Dennis Mayor
Rank/Title: EMTA CNA3 Retired
Location: San Diego, Ca...92115

As a former member of Ridge Vol Rescue Squad and Lexing Park Vol Rescue Squad about your up coming Donkey race,,, I would put my money on the asses... Human or other weise... LOL... You guys do a great and Fantastic Job with the Squads... I wish the best and up most injury free great time... Be safe and most of be all be carefull... Hugs and love to one and love,,, from Dennis Mayor member from 1972 to 1979 on Wednesday Day time...

Signed on April 15, 2011 at 9:51 AM
Name: amanda adams
Rank/Title: none
Web Address: none
Location: north carolina

I just wanted to say I am very proud of all of you guys. I am glad that I grew up here and I miss coming to the squads buliding and seeing you guys. I am very proud of who my parents are. Kim and Jason Adams I love you guys even tho I don't say it all the time.

Signed on February 24, 2011 at 10:03 PM
Name: Sandra Pulliam
Location: St James area

Thank you for all of your help with my Son that rolled his truck on Mattapany Road today. You guys were so sweet to him and his friend and to me. I'm sorry that I was upset. When I saw my son on the ground and the damage to his truck-this is every Mothers worst nightmare. I just want to thank you Angels for all that you do everyday, No questions asked. God Bless you all!!! Oh Seth and his friend walked away with bumps and bruises, by the Grace of God.

Signed on December 13, 2010 at 2:12 PM
Name: Robert Hostetler
Rank/Title: EMT-I
Location: Gatesville, NC

I will be moving to the area soon, so I'm checking y'all out.

Signed on November 22, 2010 at 10:45 AM
Name: Pat Webb
Rank/Title: Drill Officer
Location: RVRS Co 49

To SHawn Davidson;
Please give me a call at your convenience in regard to a drill we would love to have you lecture at the Squad. We need someone of your quality to give us some pointers and review of sllinting and wound management. Also Blood Born Pathegeons is also needed for review. Please call me at (301) 872-4552 or Cell (240)298-3335 or C2 (301) 904-6730.

Signed on September 30, 2010 at 4:00 AM
Name: Scott Lucas
Rank/Title: AEAN-USN
Location: Kaneohe, HI

ROCK ON LPVRS! With love from MCBH!
Love you Momma!

Signed on August 25, 2010 at 6:57 PM
Name: Darla Pardo
Location: Fairchance, PA

It's been a long time but I wanted to let you know I think of you all the time. I miss all the runs we've made together. Hope all is well and you're all being safe. Damn I miss Lexington Park! Take care everyone.

Signed on July 24, 2010 at 6:05 PM
Name: Tom
Rank/Title: EMT -I
Web Address: linwoodambulance.com
Location: Lincoln/Woodstock NH

Beautiful building. Good Luck and stay safe.

Signed on June 10, 2010 at 7:49 PM
Name: Jason Adams
Web Address: bdvfd.org
Location: Harrisburg, NC

Congratulations to the newly elected officers!

Signed on June 07, 2010 at 1:02 AM
Name: Albert R Smith
Location: Muskegon, MI

Hi guys, I am a former member BDVFD/LPVRS from 96/98, and just wanted to say hi, and see who might still be around. Tim and Kathy steered me to the site, and it sure brings back memories. I hear there are still a lot of members still around from my time, and I'm glad to hear that you are all still carrying on. I am working on getting my certification back to work here in MI, it's a challenge with poor vision, but I'm going to do it. Good luck and best wishes to everyone done there; maybe one day will bring me back for a visit.


Signed on January 31, 2010 at 1:06 AM
Name: James Delacruz
Location: Weatherly, PA

Hey I ran with you guys back in 01-02, when I was stationed at NAS Pax River, just stopped by to say hello and I miss running with you guys. Feel free to drop me an email if you remember me.

Signed on January 29, 2010 at 2:38 AM
Name: Linda Stotler
Location: Wasilla Alaska

Just wanted to see the 'family' -- looking for Pics of Ralph, Lorraine or Eva.... Found Eva... and Ralph (AKA PopPop). Thanks for all the squad does for everyone in the area. Thank you also for watching over Nanny for us! Your group is always in our prayers and Greetings from God's Frozen Chosen!

Signed on December 01, 2009 at 3:00 PM
Name: Gary Gardner
Rank/Title: Past Chief/Past President/Past many offices LPVRS
Location: Goose Creek, SC

Had a great visit with the Friday night crews at Co 38 and Co 39. Sometimes I wish I was still running!!

Signed on October 05, 2009 at 12:51 PM
Name: Hannah Tolson

Heyy guys! i love u guys n sooner r later i WILL b a member.SAVE ME A SPOT!!!!!!!

Signed on September 14, 2009 at 11:45 AM
Name: Marie Kurtz
Rank/Title: Chief 29
Web Address: www.co29.org

Just wanted to say Thanks to the members from LPVRS for playing us in the Donkey Ball game. A good time was had by all. See you next year!!!!!!!!!

Signed on September 11, 2009 at 12:06 AM
Name: Dennis Mayor
Location: San diego, Ca.

I was with the Ridge Vol rescue Squad for 10 years in the 70's and on Wednesdays during ther day ran with mrs Dolly Davidson and Reggis gardner for thoes that are old enough to remember. Any way I found this site through Fran and Jack Cullison of the Ridge Vol rescue Squad. I do want to thank you for remembering the Sept. 11, 2001. I lost a nephew in one of the trade center buildings. I have since found a St. Marys County Poliece / Fire scanner link. My how have things have changed.

One last thing "You All deserve A Gold Star for being so deticated.
Hugs to one and all, Old and new.

Tks for reading this,

Dennis Mayor

Signed on August 14, 2009 at 1:56 PM
Name: Marie Kurtz
Rank/Title: Chief
Web Address: www.co29.org
Location: Mechancisville Vol. Rescue Squad

Hi Co. 38 & 39 members. On September 12, 2009 @ 3:00pm Laurel Grove Park in Mechanicsville we have invited you to play against us in a Donkey ballgame. If you have never seen one or been involved in one they are hilarious. Tickets are on sale now. It is a good time for all and during the half time we are having musical donkeys played on the same order as musical chairs. Hope to see you there!

Signed on August 04, 2009 at 11:57 AM
Name: kevin banagan
Location: sdvfd

The 7th dist. vol. fire dept will be holding a police/fire/recuse softball touranment on sept 26 and 27 in st marys county. for more info or would like to sign your dept up to play please contact me at banagank@hotmail.com or 240-577-2677. the cost is 250.00 per team.

kevin banagan

Signed on August 03, 2009 at 8:32 AM
Name: Marie Kurtz
Rank/Title: Chief 29
Web Address: www.co29.org
Location: Mechanicsville Vol. Rescue Squad

The members of Mechanicsville Vol. Rescue Squad would like to Thank the fill-in crew from your company for filling for us Saturday so that our members could be in our parade and enjoy themselves for the rest of the day. A good time was had by all. Thanks for helping us out & congratulations on the trophy you won.

Marie Kurtz
Chief 29

Signed on July 05, 2009 at 6:42 PM
Name: George Pyle III
Location: Country Lakes/Mechanicsville,MD

Just thought I would be kind enough to sign your guest book again while I fool with my laptop computer.


Signed on March 22, 2009 at 6:57 PM
Name: FDNY EMS Website
Rank/Title: FDNY EMS
Web Address: www.fdnyemswebsite.com
Location: NYC

Nice website. Keep up the great work. Stay safe.

FDNY EMS Website

Signed on March 06, 2009 at 7:57 PM
Name: George Pyle III
Location: Northen St.Marys

Just would like to take the time to wish everyone a happy but safe st.patricks day.

Good Luck.

Signed on January 31, 2009 at 1:49 PM
Name: Tammy Barrick
Rank/Title: Pass member
Location: LExington Park MD

Hi everyone I just wanted to say thanks for helping me and My odlest daugther Brittany when We needed u. U guys Man Brittany Laugh when She was having a gall bladder attack last year. SHe wanted me to tell u guys THANKS. I wish I can Rejoin But I cant They r getten Ready to do back surgery on me next Month. U guy r the best Squad out there.Again THanks to all members and God Bless U God is looking over u everytime u go out. Love all u guys. I will come and Visit u soon.

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